Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas lights going up slowly but surely

Look what was waiting for me when I finally got home from work! polMom and the boys not only raked up all the leaves (again) but also got the snowmen up and wired up the downstairs window snowflakes so now we have all four of them functioning. I still need to get the blue light garland hung around the window frames but we're slowly making progress. It looked so nice that I ran out after midnight with the camera and tripod to get some pictures and post them to the Flickr account. You can see the set by clicking here.

I also took some pictures of the blue light globes we have hanging from the holly tree at the front of the house by the driveway. These used to hang on our big dogwood out front but, alas, we came home from Thanksgiving to find the main branch snapped in half so we had to cut it down . However, the globes really work in the holly and we're pleased with how nice they look. I can tell you are too. Thanks!

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