Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Shed cleaning

Flickr album: Troop Shed Cleanup

A couple of times a year the boys' Scout troop hauls everything out of our shed, inventories the equipment, throws away the stuff we don't need anymore, organizes everything that's left, and neatly places it back in the shed. Our troop's two quartermasters organized such an effort this past Saturday and OlderSon and I went to help.

One of the quartermaster's dads is an assistant Scoutmaster and brought his laptop with him so we now have a great computerized record of everything we have as well as an accurate list of equipment we still need.

I was amazed at the amount of work that got accomplished by the six Scouts and four adults in attendance. As one of the dads said, "we could hold a square dance in there now." We also found quite a bit of equipment that we thought was lost for all time so, all in all, it was a good way to spend four hours on a Saturday morning.

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